EuroBioImaging PCS

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EuroBioImaging Proof-of-Concept Studies

EuroBioImaging is now moving ahead with the proof-of-concept studies (PCS) that will be an important pilot phase for EuroBioImaging. PCS will provide key data to develop the criteria for future nodes of the infrastructure. Separate PCS will run for Work Package 6 (WP6) Advanced Light Microscopy - General Access and Work Package 7 (WP7) Advanced Light Microscopy - Innovative Technologies. This page is a summary of PCS of the timelines and process of the PCS.

An outline of the goals and timeline of the project is now available.

WP6: Sites for General Access PCS

Up to two sites per country - willing and able to offer “in kind” user access for the PCS during the first half of 2012 will be identified by EuroBioImaging National Coordinating Persons (NCPs) - in each participating country based on

  • technological excellence, leading nationally and/or in Europe
  • ability to provide open access for national and/or transnational users
  • robustness of running a facility to meet user needs

WP7: Sites for Innovative Technologies PCS

As defined in the original Euro-BioImaging Description of Work and confirmed in the WP7 meeting in Alexandroupolis, WP7 PCS will be carried out in the first half of 2012 for the following innovative technologies:

  • Super-resolution microscopy. Technology Coordinator: Stefan Hell supported by Gerald Donnert
  • Correlated light and electron microscopy. Technology Coordinator: Judith Klumperman
  • Functional imaging. Technology Coordinator: Paul French

The WP7 Technology Coordinators named above have already been defined as PCS sites in the Euro-BioImaging Description of Work, additional facilities willing and able to offer “in kind” user access to one of the above technologies can be selected by the technology coordinators to carry out PCS. Suggestions for additional PCS sites can also come from the NCPs, the decision which additional sites offer PCS for each technology is taken by the respective Technology Coordinator. The recommendation is not to exceed 4 sites in total per technology.

How will PCS projects be run?

Guidelines are available for General Access and Innovative Technologies sites (Super-resolution, Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy, High-Throughput Microscopy, Functional Imaging.

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