ImperialLondonMtg Agenda
From BioImagingUKWiki
Meeting of BioImaging UK
Imperial College, London Thursday, June 3, 2010
- WG docs: Final targets, review process, and collation defined
- Next steps-- defining best practice for UK imaging facilities
Proposed Agenda
- 10:30 - 11:00 Arrival & Coffee
- 11:00 - 11:30 Welcome and overview including report on Euro-BioImaging - Jason Swedlow
- 11:30 - 13:30 Review of workpackages - Paul French
- Identification of WP spokespersons
- Presentation of progress in work packages
- Consensus on priorities for WP
- Engagement with biomedical imaging
- 13:30 LUNCH
- 14:00 Imaging Facility Best Practice (??)
- 15:00 Delivery of world class scientific imaging
- Which capabilities should be in national/regional facilities?
- Sustainable business models for facilities – institutional/regional/national?
- Imaging staff profiles/careers
- 16:30 TEA
- 17:00 Adjourn
We've deliberately left significant time for discussion, to ensure we can sample opinion and together define strategy and responsibilities for our future activities.
If you are unable to attend, please feel free to email your comments to this mailing list, or if you wish, to me, and they will be passed to the meeting.